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Rosella Reggin

'the Seed' of God 'in you' or not? God is not mocked ' we will reap what we sow.

the pinecone is an amazing seed' was surprising what i learned in reading about it , it has to die entirely or be consumed by fire in order to release it's seeds for new life' ? hmm, this prinicple is not new' but the entie shape of 'how it happens' is Genesis 1 God declared a spiritual law_ that every living thing produces after it's own kind... v.21,24,25.. 'seed' must find agreeable soil for it to mature_ and it takes time ....for the seed to mature (study spirals of the pinecone)

when we are 'born again' _the moment we receive Jesus Christ by faith .... we will have a struggle against sin, our old nature was ruled by...anything or anyone who seeks to dominate your life apart from God's ways and will. .. when a child of God is miserable ' and does not understand ...'the struggle' ... the flesh and spirit are warring against one another.... one needs to be intentional 'as in any battle ' to choose to move forward in faith beleiving ' thereby growing the nature of God in him'. when one chooses to be ruled by the flesh' or the 'i know better attitude'... he will diminish the life of God in him. ... Holy Spirit , we need your help in dying to ourselves and living to the new life that is planted deep inside our spirit, to grow in alignment with your spirit.

God put his seed into you the day you gave your life to Christ! just as the sperm of a human father carries DNA of that father, ...God's seed _the Word of God carries the life and nature of God within it. the Seed'... being 'divine' imparts the very nature of God Himself to your spirit.

1st Peter 1:23 says it well are born again , not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible .. this is miraculous but also wonderful knowledge ' if one is indeed saved' the nature of God will prevail ... it will produce and grow the 'new nature' .... Keep in mind , all trees are not equal in their growth ' ... but one thing is sure' the seed planted is the the seed that will manifest itself ___ plant an orange tree' ... oranges, apple tree, apples' _Love Love, Hate Hate, etc etc etc ...they all need water and sun. given by the Water of LIfe, and the Son of God.

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