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Rosella Reggin

Let. Freedom Ring

if the. Son sets you free you shall be free indeed... a loving Heavenly Father ' sent his only son 'to us' for us' .... the price he paid is indeed incalculable...this is truly. our first and foremost priority , to acknowledge this truth deep in our hearts .. to grow closer to the fact of this price that was paid' in love...

our country's history , the landscape washed in his providence for the pilgrims , ..the Founding Father's , far from perfect men and women they had a 'deep knowing' of the Scriptures , strong convictions on God's rule, in wisdom they foresaw. it to would come at a price , the cost to themselves and their family's ..and they risked it all for Freedom....

Providence and his plans purposes and passions for his creatures , have not changed...but we have'. ... God we are so undone without you' we are lax in our worship of you' we have taken all your gifting s to us' and misused them ... bring our hearts back to your heart for us. fill us to 'overflowing with your love for the sake of others_ for the sake of your glory in our story.

Galatians. 5:11 , it is for freedom that Christ has set us. free , Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery..."Jesus gave us a new way to be free _ free to 'die. to the old' and live to the new _ FREED from our selves _ FREED to love him back ....... the battle is ongoing .. we are never just 'free floaters' ... choose life- freedom in Christ.

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