Advent ' how thankful i am for the Church 'remembering' acknowledging' even celebrating the advent .. the waiting' anticipating ' ... keeping our focus on the real meaning of why we are celebrating this time in history when everything changed. ... A Savior has been born - not just any Savior .. this was God come' in the flesh' humbling himself ' becoming a baby' who needed care' who would in turn care deeply ' for us' ! .... His Love was 'overwhelming' in pursuing a people ... our hearts ! it's a bit hard to wrap one's head around the incredible 'mystery' of love.. but there was notihng mysteriouls about the reality of him walking among us' ..full- filliing prophecies' choosing his disciples , teaching them , showing us the way' ..and before leaving earth to head back to heaven ... blessing them with the assignment ' 'go ye into all the world and preach the gospel ' .. and just to think he left us with such incredible hope' he is coming back for us , for all who have put their faith in the light of Christ .
Fredrick Buchner 'quotes' the birth of a child [entirely light] burst into the darkness of the world has made it possible ...not just a new way of understanding life' but a new way of living it.! Jesus thank you for coming! Life is never hopeless, life is always 'full of HOPE" when you are our hope.